Welcome to our new website!

Jun 10, 2013

Thanks for visiting our new website! We will be updating often, so it is still a work in progress. We hope our members will find the site helpful for staying in touch and keeping up with all the things we have going on here at FCC Palestine (First Christian Church). If you don't have a church home we hope what you see here will encourage you come and worship with us.


All are welcome here.


Even if you never visit us or you are too far away to do so, we hope that you will be blessed and encouraged by what you see here.

May God bless you and keep you and may God's face shine upon to give you peace and grace-Amen

First Christian Voices
David Perou

David Perou

The Holy Spirit moves in this church. The chains of the world are broken in this church. True grace and love moves in this church, I can't stop sharing the excitement this God loving church brings to me!