Apr 27, 2022

Summer Giving-Our summer break is almost upon us again. The Memorial Day Holiday will be the last weekend of May, which will mark the traditional start of summer. Whatever fills our summer, it often means that we aren't in town to attend church, and or commitments to be good stewards might be put aside until we return in the fall. This summer, please consider giving through the three months even if you aren't able to attend. Go to our website at, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on "Donate." That will open a window which allows you to make your donation through PayPal, credit card, or debit card. An alternative is to use your smartphone to scan the QR code printed in the weekly bulletin or the monthly Caller. Or finally, you may mail your donation directly to the Church at 113 East Crawford Street, Palestine, TX 75801. Your continued committed support is needed and appreciated. Enjoy your summer!

First Christian Voices
David Perou

David Perou

The Holy Spirit moves in this church. The chains of the world are broken in this church. True grace and love moves in this church, I can't stop sharing the excitement this God loving church brings to me!