FCC--The Place to Be
Jul 26, 2023
First Christian Church is the place to be on Sundays. We have Sunday Schools at 9:30 and 9:45; morning worship begins at 10:45.
Our Youth Program stays plenty busy with Children's Church and their Blessing Box Mission. Three age groups are highlighted to provide the children with meaningful fellowship experiences and opportunities to grow as caring, responsible members of our community. K-3rd grade—SonShiners; 4th-7th grades —Disciples Kids; and 8th-12th grades — CYF are our
age groups. Disciples Kids will meet the first Sunday of each month after church. Next gathering will be next Sunday, August 6th. Lunch will be provided. Pickup at 1:30. CYF will meet last Sunday of each month after church. Next get-together will be July 30th after Fellowship Dinner, and a swim party on August 6. SonShiners activities are still being planned.
We have opportunities to serve for everyone. Currently, we are helping with First Presbyterian's Shoe Give Away with donations, registering, and volunteers. DFPS is sponsoring a Back to School Bash and we are helping collect supplies for the backpacks.
Bible Studies, Fellowship Dinners, and community participation are just a small part of who we are. Come join us on Sunday and find out for yourself what a special place First Christian Church truly is!