PRAYER FOR THE WEEK March 17, 2020

Mar 18, 2020

We seem separated from each other and, thus, from you, O' God. This is a strange land in which we are living, and the landscape is unrecognizable. This is the land of abandoned streets and empty toilet paper racks. The wicked carry us away with panic, and the wicked carry us away with conspiracy theories. But even our captivity requires of us a song. How shall we sing the Lord's song in this strange land? 
Yet here we are, O' Lord, singing to you because you are our rock and our salvation, our bulwark, and our fortress. You are the God in whom we trust. You are the one who said you would always be with us, among us, within us. In a strange land we may be, but you have walked in many strange places and here we are together with you. So lift us up, O' strong son of God. We find our hope in you and your way. Amen

First Christian Voices
Gary Williams

Gary Williams

Attending worship service on Sunday morning gets my week started out great and with a purpose. I take great joy in service to the members of my church being a deacon. It is an honor to partake of the Lord's Supper.The format of the worship service is similar to the way it was when I was a boy growing up in this church. My parents were faithful members here and I can touch their memories each Sunday. Sometime certain hymns bring back wonderful memories of my parents, Red & Jeane Williams. I also enjoy and take comfort from fellowship with my church family and friends. We are so fortunate to have Rev. Jordan Byrd. He brings insight and clarity to the scriptures in a unique way. I always gain knowledge from his messages and also practicable ways to apply God's Word into everyday life experiences.