David Perou
The Holy Spirit moves in this church. The chains of the world are broken in this church. True grace and love moves in this church, I can't stop sharing the excitement this God loving church brings to me!
Apr 1, 2020
First Christian Church will stream online services on Sunday, April 5, live via Facebook and YouTube. Please join us. The sermon will be from the Learning to Repent series, entitled "Change Your Mind about God." The scripture reading will be from Matthew 21: 1-11. We will enjoy songs from the hymnal and provide those to you online. We also have a special by members of our quartet--"Blessed Be the King." Looking forward to sharing our message with you this Sunday.
Due to current conditions, there will be no Fellowship Dinners held until further notice.
You can also enjoy weekly Bible Study online by checking our website.
The Holy Spirit moves in this church. The chains of the world are broken in this church. True grace and love moves in this church, I can't stop sharing the excitement this God loving church brings to me!